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How Club Health is cutting pain & surgery in half.

" Luis' method and philosophy of treatment is unique and very effective… His dedication to his patients worldwide, has helped many of my patients to be pain free, and in numerous cases, avoid surgery completely… "

Desk jobs, hunching over a mobile screen for hours, long commutes, body imbalances, hectic lifestyles lacking exercise, treating pain with drugs and looking for quick fixes are some of the reasons 15.5 million people in England are suffering from chronic pain. Over 5 million of those people struggle with normal daily life activities, and as a result, leading a poor lifestyle.

Read further to discover what causes chronic pain, and how our Team of experts can tackle the root of the problem, keeping you away from surgery and medication.

What’s Chronic Pain And How Does It Affect Our Lives?

Any pain or discomfort (sensations such as prick, burn, tingle, sting, sharp pain, and ache) that lasts longer than 3 months, and progressively worsens with time, is considered chronic pain. While the root of the problem, or what triggered it is sometimes evident, like an injury or accident, many types of chronic pain might go undefined. Patients seek for comfort and quick pain relief, instead of long lasting solutions that treat the problem at its core.

This is exactly where undiagnosed pain can take the wrong turn, resulting in surgery and an endless medication cycle. This is also the reason Diagnosis is the first action we take at Club Health to treat pain.

Initial Assessment & Diagnosis

The Club Health treatment method goes against the “one-size-fits-all” approach that is responsible for many unnecessary surgeries and countless untreated conditions. Every Patient’s Plan of Care is built around their Initial Assessment, Diagnosis and overall goals.

People with poor posture, bulging or herniated discs, arthritis, skeletal irregularities, and osteoporosis may suffer from chronic back pain more often than others. Such factors, such as age, weight, poor lifting or running practices, and even mental health conditions, may cause increased risk of pain. It only takes one injury for a condition to persist into the realm of long-term problems.

Therefore, our Team of experts begins by analysing your medical history and lifestyle, your joints and muscles, as well as your mental state and habits in order to identify what’s causing your discomfort and what stands in the way of treating it.

Along with the Diagnosis, we consider your pain management goals and what your lifestyle should look like when you’re in a pain-free, fully functional state, or as we call it, reaching the best version of yourself.

The Treatment & What To Expect From It

Your assessment will enable our Lead Clinician and our Practitioners to devise a comprehensive CH Plan of Care, specifically for you. This bespoke plan will include:

  • ‍The type of treatments required to alleviate your pain and treat your condition;
  • The frequency of the sessions;
  • Things you can do at home to maintain and enhance the effects of each treatment;
  • Goals to achieve in the present and future.

Below, are some of the methods we will incorporate into your Plan of Care to permanently eliminate pain and surgery:

  • Physiotherapy Treatments combined with signature techniques & methods proven to decrease pain, improve motion and realign the body to its natural form;
  • Advanced Laser Therapy, Manual Therapy, Acupunture, Applied Heat or Cold Treatments that will reduce chronic inflammation and relax painful muscle spasms in the affected areas;
  • Rehab & Conditioning Training Plans that will give weak muscles the reinforcement they need to fix your body posture and its imbalances;
  • Mobility Exercises to help you increase your range of motion, allowing you to do more activities, with less pain;
  • Clinical Pilates Sessions to help you regain control of your muscles & joints while becoming fully aware of your strengths and weaknesses;
  • Nutrition and Supplementation advice to strengthen your body inside out, relieve stress and increase relaxation;
  • Breathwork, Home Exercise Plans and other practices that will help you improve your condition, reduce anxiety, or other pain related reactions that might worsen pain, helping you control your pain responses for the better.

Our Team will also provide advice and support on specific lifestyle modifications that will help you ease stress on the affected body parts, as well as avoid future problems.

Through the natural, non-invasive methods above, our Clinic has been treating various conditions, from severe back pain, to bunions and scoliosis, keeping our Patients free from medication and unnecessary operations. To see how we have helped other people elevate their lifestyle, click here to watch our Patients’ Testimonials.

Why Medication & Surgery Are Not The Solution

Drugs can relieve chronic pain, but only imperfectly. After a few hours of lessened symptoms, your body seeks another dosage for relief. If you’re using opioids to dull your pain, you could end up in a frightening cycle of increased tolerance and addiction.

The most extreme form of treatment, spinal surgery, can permanently limit your back’s flexibility. You might even end up with an even more painful problem, known as failed back surgery syndrome.

The reason for this is quite simple. With most surgeries, the underlying cause of the issue is overlooked and is not being treated. This will eventually influence the same movement patterns and imbalances which caused it in the first place only this time, in addition to the initial problem, your body has undergone surgery, which in the long run will bring more issues to the surface.

Future Proof Your Body By Getting Fast, Effective Relief Today

Numbing your body with drugs and risking your health with major surgery, that will cause other issues in the long run, should be the last resort, not the easy way out!

Experience safe and natural relief from chronic pain at our Clinics. Take control of your pain with effective non-invasive treatments at Club Health. Start your journey to mastery over chronic pain by choosing our groundbreaking approach.

Contact our dedicated Patient Care Team today to discuss what you are looking to achieve and get advice on how we can help. Our Team will be available to answer and clarify any question you may have.

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